How To Guide: Query a PostegreSQL Table in Realtime
Create a simple API Resource that gets information from a PostgreSQL table for use in a Realtime Feature View.
When making real-time predictions, you often need to enrich your features with the latest operational data - like checking a user's current account balance or recent transaction history stored in an operational database such as PostgreSQL - to make accurate decisions. API Resources make this possible by maintaining a fast, persistent connection to your production database, allowing you to seamlessly incorporate this real-time data into your feature computations.
For this example we will query an operational table with bank users data to retrieve features such as phone_number, balance, and credit_score.
This guide assumes some basic familiarity with Tecton, including how to create and apply features. You will also need to create Tecton Secrets.
If you are new to Tecton, we recommend first checking out our Tutorials which cover a range of topics designed to bring you up to speed working with Tecton.
While following this guide, you will:
- Create a Tecton Secret to hold your PostgreSQL connection string
- Give your workspace access to the Tecton Secret
- Create a Tecton environment
- Create and Apply a Transform Server Group
- Apply a Resource Provider using the Tecton Secret and a Realtime Feature View (RTFV)
- Apply a Feature Service using the Transform Server Group and include the RTFV
- Run a sample call to retrieve values from the table
- A production Tecton workspace (this guide will not work with a lab workspace)
- A Tecton service account API key
- A PostgreSQL database and associated connection string, which will look
something like:
When connecting to operational databases, reach out to Tecton support to configure access to the specified database port.
Step 1: Create a Tecton Secret for Your PostgreSQL Connection String​
Tecton Secrets allow you to create, store, and access credentials securely.
- Create a connection string for your PostgreSQL database, and store it in a
file. In our example, it's called
- Create a Scope and a Secret for the connection string in Tecton:
tecton secrets create-scope -s <scope-name>
tecton secrets put -s <scope-name> -k <key-name> -f api-key.txt
- Give your workspace access to the above secret scope:
tecton access-control assign-role -w <workspace> -r secret_scope_reader -c <scope-name>
For more information, see Secrets.
Step 2: Create a Custom Tecton Environment​
Create a custom environment using v1.1 or newer of the tecton-runtime
and add
the following packages (and other packages you may need) in your RTFV:
- Create a requirements file:
pyscopg2-binary - Create the environment in Tecton:
tecton environment create --name my_env --requirements /path/to/requirements.txt
Wait for the environment status to be READY. You can check environment status
via the CLI: tecton environment list
You will need the name of this environment when you create your Transform Server Group.
Step 3: Create and Apply a Transform Server Group​
Create and apply a Transform Server Group. Be sure to specify the name of the environment you created in Step 2.
A Transform Server Group needs to be applied before a Feature Service can refer to it. Put the following code into a Python file:
from tecton import ProvisionedScalingConfig, TransformServerGroup
postgres_tsg = TransformServerGroup(
description="Transform Server Group used for PostgreSQL example",
environment="my_env", # name of environment created in Step 2
Apply the Transform Server Group:
tecton apply
Wait for the Transform Server Group to be in READY status, check the status with
the tecton server-group list
CLI command:
% tecton server-group list
Id Name Type Status Environment ...
bde2a413a3491a27384fea1234567890 default TRANSFORM_SERVER_GROUP READY None ...
Step 4: Build the Resource​
Provide a name and description for the Resource Provider. Add the scope and key for the Tecton Secret you created in step 1. Your Resource Provider can be applied along with your feature view/etc.
secrets={"my_pg_token": Secret(scope="<SCOPE_NAME>", key="<KEY_NAME>")},
description="A postgresql query",
def pgclient(context):
from psycopg2.pool import SimpleConnectionPool
connection_string = context.secrets["my_pg_token"]
# Create a connection pool
connection_pool = SimpleConnectionPool(
1, # Minimum number of connections in the pool
5, # Maximum number of connections in the pool
return connection_pool
request = RequestSource(schema=[Field("id", Int64)])
This resource provider creates a connection pool of 1-5 PostgreSQL database connections that can be shared and reused across multiple queries, which is essential for handling concurrent requests efficiently while preventing resource exhaustion that could occur from creating new connections for every query.
We will apply the Resource Provider in the next step.