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Version: 1.1

CLI Reference




--verbose / --no-verboseBe verbose
-h, --helpSee available commands and options for commands. Flag can be added to any command to see available options for that command.

Main Commands​

applyCompare your local feature definitions with remote state and apply local changes to the remote.
initInitialize the feature repo.
planCompare your local feature definitions with remote state and show the plan to bring them in sync.
testRun Tecton tests.
workspaceManage Tecton Workspaces.

Other Commands​

access-controlManage Access Controls.
completionGenerates a shell script to set up tab completion for Tecton. Zsh, bash, and fish shells are supported.
destroyDestroy all registered objects in this workspace.
environmentManage environments for RTFV execution.
get-caller-identityShow the current User or API Key used to authenticate with Tecton.
loginLog in and authenticate Tecton CLI.
logoutLog out of current user session.
materializationView Feature View materialization information.
modelManage models.
plan-infoView info about plans.
repo-configCreate, inspect, or debug the repo configuration.
secretsInteract with Tecton Secrets.
server-groupManage Server Groups for Online Serving and Realtime Execution.
service-accountManage Service Accounts.
upgradeAnalyze Tecton objects in the feature repository and provide migration guidance.
userManage users.
versionPrint CLI version.
webOpens Tecton UI in a browser.

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